Fair Trade

One of our main goals is to ensure that we bring you quality products from Africa, that are made or designed in Africa.

Many talented artisans in remote regions face huge challenges in reaching customers due to limited business resources and other barriers such as language and logistics. As many of these artisans are based in remote regions, they struggle to access the US market.

When you purchase unique handmade products from these communities, you are supporting their ancient artisanal traditions and helping to sustain their cultures. We try to purchase from collectives that benefit larger groups as a whole.

We know that at this point, we can't personally ensure the entire supply chain of our products, but at some point, we'd like to see the production process of all of the products we stock, because it is very important to what IDIA stands for. 

We are making it a point to develop trusting relationships with all of our vendors on the continent. We also make it a point to engage in fair trade, as we believe in people over profits. Here you can meet some of the artisans and merchants we work with, and hope that you visit them in your travels to the Motherland.

Senegal.   Morocco.   Kenya.   South Africa